DRiFT is a group of anglers who share a passion for fly tying and fly fishing with others. We meet every Tuesday evening from September through May -- but we do much more than meet. We help conserve the places we fish. We help educate our next generation of fishers through fly tying. We help disabled veterans. Join us!
There's nothing like being knee-deep in a stream looking for bugs under a rock to understand how complex relationships lead to healthy, or unhealthy, waterways. Unless it's the thrill of watching a 13-year-old release the bass she's been raising in her classroom back into a local river. Our conservation programs support local, regional and national initiatives.
Through our restoration programs, DRiFT members get their hands dirty, or should we say wet, in giving countless hours of time, experience and guidance to important conservation and education projects. DRiFT gets involved and supports projects that preserve, protect and enhance fisheries for current and future generations of fly fishers.
Through our education programs, DRiFT provides both the manpower and the money to fuel passion for, and involvement in, the sporting nature of fly fishing. Just a sampling of our endeavors include: High School Fly Fishing Instruction, Fly Fishing Merit Badge with the Boy Scouts, Project Healing Waters, Trade Shows and Youth Education Programs.